Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

The Twillight Saga - A non professional review

By TCherokee

The only reason I decided to read the Twillight saga, even though it is a book clearly geared towards the female audience, is because it was recently made into a motion picture and I like reading the books before I watch the film.
At the heart of it, Twilight is a story of forbidden love, this fact is reinfoced by the image of an apple on the cover of the first book. The story revolves around Bella, a self sacrificing young girl with a penchant for getting into dangerous situations and being clumsy. Bella moves to Forks to be with her dad, because she wanted to give her mum and her new boyfriend some space (told you she was self sacrificing). While in Forks, she meets and falls in love with a vampire (Edward Cullen) and as if that was not bad enough, she also becomes friends with a werewolf (Jacob Black who we find out in the final book "Breaking Dawn" was actually a shape shifter and not a proper werewolf).

The Cullen family, of which Edward is a part, are a family of vampires who have decided not too drink human blood and instead feed on animal blood, jokingly referring to themselves as vegetarians. Edward, who also falls in love with Bella, has to learn to balance the his desire for her blood with his desire for her; a
job not made easier by the fact that Bella seems to seemingly have no regard whatsoever for her own safety.

There is some debate as to the morality and appropriateness of the book. Some reviewers believe the book teaches abstinence as Edward insists on no sex till they are married. While others feel their young daughters should not be reading books about love affairs between vampires and humans, and no matter how 'good' Edward might be, he is inherently evil by nature.

In my humble opinion, I feel that reviewers that are debating the morality of a girl dating a vampire are all being pretty narrow minded and should all get over themselves. It is a fantasy fiction book for heavens sake and I am pretty sure the books fan base know this as well. In my opinion, what makes the book a must read is the fact that is a story of a love that is not meant to work out. Everything seems to be working against them from the start; Edward being a vampire, Bella being a human, Bella's best friend being the mortal enemy of vampires.... yet inspite of all this, they still find a way to make it work. Maybe it is the hopeless romantic in me this appeals to, but it does, so there you go.

Stephanie Meyer has succeeded in created gripping characters that you can identify with, even if it is just silently cringing and some of the situations that Bella always seems to get herself into. Anyone who has had their heart broken will be able to identify with the destructive spiral Bella fell into in book 2 when Edward left. Stephanie Meyer also seems to have mastered the knack of suspense and once the series gets going, you will be hard pressed to put it down.

However, sometimes having Bella describe everything that makes Edward perfect can get tedious after a while and it takes the first book a while to get started. Despite all this, it is still a good book and I will heartily recommend it.

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